
  • Luciano Bahia Catábriga Ortopedista e Traumatologista no Hospital Ipiranga, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
  • Felipe de Magalhães Carvalho Clínica de Acidentados de Vitória, Vitória, ES, Brasil
  • Lucas Patricio Universidade Vila Velha, Vila Velha, ES, Brasil
  • Luis Eduardo Lima Moreira Universidade Vila Velha, Vila Velha, ES, Brasil
  • Roberto Yukio ikemato Hospital Ipiranga, São Paulo, SP, Brasil



Humeral fracture, Fracture fixation, Kirshner wires, Surgical technique


The frequency of proximal humeral fractures increases along with the increase in population survival, and percutaneous fixation with Kirshner wires using the Catábriga technique is indicated for fractures of the humeral surgical neck that require reduction and stabilization, associated or not with tuberosity fractures, regardless of age, following Neer's surgical indication criteria. We describe the minimally invasive reduction surgical technique for the treatment of surgical neck fractures of the humerus, associated or not with tuberosity fractures, fixed with percutaneous, dynamic and crossed smooth Kirshner wires.


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How to Cite

Catábriga LB, Carvalho F de M, Lucas Patricio, Moreira LEL, ikemato RY. SURGICAL TREATMENT WITH PERCUTANEOUS FIXATION OF PROXIMAL HUMERAL FRACTURES USING THE CATÁBRIGA TECHNIQUE. RTO [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 12 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];24(2):2-6. Available from: