Artrodese lombar percutânea por via endoscópica

complicação pós ferimento por arma de fogo


  • Anibal Correia Silva Universidade Potiguar
  • Tábata de Alcantara Universidade Potiguar
  • Monica Paschoal Nogueira Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo


wounds, gunshot/complications, Spine, minimally invasive surgical procedures


The gunshot wounds (GSWs) with spinal impairment are a growing cause of morbidity and mortality, specially in developing countries where they are a public health problem. These lesions are very common in young men and often patients have complete neurological deficit. Social costs are increasing, with high levels of public spending and difficult medical and surgical management. The search for better results has led to minimally invasive, less aggressive treatments, faster results and less impact on patients’ lives, with early hospital discharge and rapid return of patients to their ADLs. Endoscopic Percutaneous Lumbar Arthrodesis is a promising new option for these challenges. This study describes a case conducted by this technique, as well as optional solutions to the challenges found.


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Author Biographies

Anibal Correia Silva, Universidade Potiguar

Tutor na Universidade Potiguar, Natal, RN, Brasil

Monica Paschoal Nogueira, Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo

Chefe do Grupo de Ortopedia Infantil e Reconstrução do Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do HSPE, São Paulo, SP, Brasil


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How to Cite

Silva AC, Alcantara T de, Nogueira MP. Artrodese lombar percutânea por via endoscópica: complicação pós ferimento por arma de fogo. RTO [Internet]. 2019 Mar. 9 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];19(2):3-7. Available from:


