Biological knee arthroplasty


  • Ari Zekcer Clínica Ortopédica Tatuapé
  • Ricardo Soares da Silva Clínica Ortopédica Tatuapé
  • Mario Carneiro-Filho Universidade Federal de São Paulo


knee injuries, articular cartilage, transplantation, homologous


We performed a partial biological knee arthroplasty on a patient with medial unicompartmental arthrosis of the knee due to previous medial meniscectomy. The patient presented a good evolution without signs of graft rejection; however, she developed arthrofibrosis and delayed consolidation in the tibia. She was reoperated, and had a decrease in the total range of motion of the knee and pain on great efforts. This case showed a new technical possibility for cartilage replacement, feasible in our country. However, a greater number of cases with a longer follow-up is necessary in order to verify the real benefit of this technique.


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Author Biographies

Ari Zekcer, Clínica Ortopédica Tatuapé

Chefe do Grupo de Joelho da Clínica Ortopédica Tatuapé (COT), São Paulo, SP, Brasil

Ricardo Soares da Silva, Clínica Ortopédica Tatuapé

Assistente do Grupo de Joelho da Clínica Ortopédica Tatuapé (COT), São Paulo, SP, Brasil

Mario Carneiro-Filho, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Professor Afiliado, Doutor do Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, SP, Brasil


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How to Cite

Zekcer A, Silva RS da, Carneiro-Filho M. Biological knee arthroplasty. RTO [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 13 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];20(1):3-8. Available from:


